Recent posts

Zalster commented on Whatever Four
Attempted a brain transplant.. Got the new board in and got the CPU. Immediately got a checksum error and sent to BIOs.  ...
1st January 2017
Happy New Years Pete, JBird, tbret, JUAN....
1st January 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Four
Sorry been out of the loop for the last few days.  I've shut down 2 of the machines. Godzilla is offline and Gigan is down...
1st January 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Four
We are behind more than 400K.  I don't see us making up that difference in 8 hours.  I'm about to turn my machines back to...
30th December 2016
Zalster commented on Seti Challenge
We were in the lead when Seti when down. I'm currently out of work to process.
27th December 2016