Recent posts

Try doing a Boinc 7.0.28 Repair Installation to reset the file permissions. Claggy
12th January 2013
Quote:zynapps says : tell me how to gain jobs at once for several days, because it occasionally falls into a computer...
9th January 2013
Claggy commented on settings question
Quote:Anybody have any ideia whit is this? i can´t dl any GPU work. 8/1/2013 22:28:28 | Einstein@Home | see...
9th January 2013
Claggy commented on Computation error
See Message 121842 Claggy
5th January 2013
Claggy commented on GPU Utilisation
Quote:Now I have downloaded a new one. Still no GPU WU running. That's because all your GPU Wu's error out...
5th January 2013